Build your most disciplined, confident, and Badass self ever
Be held accountable to a custom fitness plan tailored to your lifestyle while strengthening your inner voice and becoming the most confident woman you’ve ever been

A program built around your goals, your lifestyle, and your dream of becoming the best version of yourself yet.

Does This Sound Like You?

You know you want to live a healthy & active life but you have no idea where to start. The feeling of being overwhelmed has kept you from starting for far too long.

You start new plans every few months, something comes up in life, and you fall off track again - feeling discouraged because you're back to square one.

You lack the feeling of authority in your own choices, knowing that you want to feel powerful & in-control but feeling week in actually willing yourself to do the things that challenge you the most.

You're embarrassed by not having the results to show after what feels like months and months of incredibly hard work. You're convinced your body isn't responsive to anything.

You’re sick and tired of hating yourself. You finally want to be proud of you. 

You don't want to live a life of restriction and exhaustion. You want to love the food you eat, go out with friends, participate in events, travel, actually enjoy exercising, and trust no matter where you are or what you're doing you can stay on track.

    Girl, It Doesn't Have To Be That Way

    Being fed up with your lack of ability to find the ONE DAMN THING that works for you long-term is exhausting. 

    You’ve tried 1200 calorie diets, 8-week challenges, fat-burner pills, bootcamps, and maybe another coach or two.

    You’ve seriously had a taste of everything but nothing has given you long term sustainable results. 

    Maybe you’ve come close - but nothing has really fully worked because... you’re HERE.

    .. and I’m happy you are because I’m ready to help you achieve everything you want and actually keep it! 

    You can get your dream body, find food freedom, and feel amazing in your skin without some fancy diet or super complex training style. 

    We’re going to do the workouts, we’ll do the macros… but ALSO we’ll do so much more!  

    Once you find your strong inner voice you’ll be able to do anything you set out to do. You’ll never have to start over, you’ll completely abandon the feelings of guilt and failure, and you’ll have a concrete routine you can ALWAYS come back to that ensures your progress.

    The most successful people in the world understand themselves on the deepest level possible. They trust their intuition and know that every choice they make moves them forward. Life may derail them at times, it happens to us all, but the biggest difference is that they can rely on themselves to get right back on track.

    I can’t wait to help you build the best version of you! 


    A coaching experience designed for women who are ready to invest in themselves and develop unwavering discipline & confidence in their health & fitness endeavors.



    You did not end up unhappy within a matter of days or a couple weeks. Maybe it was quarantine, maybe it was the last couple years, whatever it was it was a long time coming. That means in order to create new habits and long-lasting results this journey will take some time. The sooner you embrace this fact, the sooner you’ll be at peace with the process. Being at peace with the process means you’ll actually be able to enjoy it! Not only will aid in you become receptive to new knowledge and practices, but it will make you all the more likely to stay committed for months & years to come.


    Expecting yourself to execute any plan perfectly from the very beginning (or ever) sets yourself up to be disappointed if life gets in the way. What we focus on is simply being better. If we focus on general progress instead of perfection there is ALWAYS something to be proud of. Our personal wins are what fuel us to keep going, so establishing a progress-oriented mindset is the first step.


    Throughout the next couple of months you WILL miss a workout. You WILL have a day or two where eating is off. What you won’t do is carry any guilt, shame, or try to punish yourself for it. Giving yourself grace makes you more likely to hop back on track and put forth effort into your next task. LIFE HAPPENS, and you are not a failure because of one missed leg day my girl! Be nice to YOU, you’re going to become your biggest freakin fan!


    The number one person you listen to is yourself, even if you think you respond best to a coach or trainer telling you what to do YOU still have the last say. I’m going to help you make your own inner voice so loud and so strong that nothing can ever silence it. With a strong inner voice comes unshakable discipline. Once you have that nothing can derail you from achieving what you set out to do.


    Your nutrition plan is about nourishing your body. Your training is about building strength, endurance, and keeping you healthy for the next 50+ years. Your mindset work is about bringing forth the best version of you. All three of these aspects boil down to respecting oneself. When we treat ourselves with respect we foster an environment in which good things grow. Healthy habits, kind words towards ourselves, and choices grounded in self-love over everything.

    Wondering What My Clients Have To Say?

    “These past couple weeks I have realized how strong I am both mentally and physically and I feel like I have overcome so many barriers that were holding me back from starting to workout and take care of myself”
    - Jenelle G.

    “I’ve never been at such a good spot within myself in my life and the journey has only begun”
    - Alyssa F.

    “This has honestly been the most the amazing step I’ve ever taken for my health and fitness and I’m so happy with my results and what I see in the mirror”
    - Kelly L.

    Amanda's Testimonial

    Alyssa's Testimonial



    One on one Zoom calls to review your progress, plan your week, hold you accountable and problem-solve any issues you’re facing
    weekly group Zoom calls focusing on a particular nutrition/training/mindset topic. These are great for meeting the Monarch Fit family and learning answers to questions you may never have thought to ask!


    Customized workout program that takes into account your access to equipment, your abilities, your schedule, and what you actually like to do. Video demos, written cues, and a coach who’s ready to help you perfect your form & feel safe during training sessions.


    Easy-to-follow, personalized nutrition approach developed by two experienced coaches and master student in dietetics. 
    No food is ever off limits, we don't restrict you from eating what you love! Our girls thrive off freedom. Whether you prefer macros or an intuitive approach, we create a plan that suits you.


    Hey, I’m Meagan!

    I Want To Introduce Myself And Tell You My Own Story Of How I Came To Coach Women Through The Beginning Of Their Health And Fitness Journey. 

    To Be Honest, When I First Started Working Out It Was Purely Because I Wanted To LOOK Better. I Was Scrawny, I Felt Weak, And I Craved A Body That Made Me Feel Like A Sexy Badass Chick. 

    I Know I Know, Sounds Silly, But Isn’t That Where We All Start? Just Simply Wanting To Feel Good About The Skin We’re In? A Couple Years Of Working Out And Eating Right Helped Me Feel Good When I Looked In The Mirror, But After A Bad Breakup I Lost My Sense Of Self-Worth. 

    I Lost My Discipline And Drive Because I Thought That If No One Was Telling Me I Was Worthy Of Their Love At My Lowest Point, Trying So Hard To Look Good Wouldn’t Change That. I Constantly Wanted To Be Somebody Else. I Looked At Other Women, So Impressed By Their Strength And Confidence, And Craved That For Myself. 

    One Day I Hit A Breaking Point. I Knew I Could Either Level Up And Put The Work In To Fall Back In Love With Myself Or Sink So Deep Into The Shame I Would Struggle To Ever Get Back To A Point Where I Was Truly Happy.
    I Chose ME. I Chose The Hard Work, The Introspection, The Daily Grind Required To Regain My Strength.

    I Found The Inner Voice That Told Me I Could Accomplish Everything I Wanted To Because I Was Worth My Own Damn Time & Effort, And I Listened To It.

    Since Then I Moved To San Diego, Am In The Healthiest Relationship I’ve Ever Been In, I Truly Love And Respect My Body, And I Teach Women How They Too Can Become UNBREAKABLE.

    Being UNBREAKABLE Means That No One Else Has The Power To Stop You From Achieving Your Biggest Goals. It’s Trusting That Your Choices Will Always Carry You In The Right Direction And That Even The Hardest Moments In Life Can’t Keep You Down For Long. It’s Having The Discipline To Show Up For Yourself Every Single Day Even The Smallest Of Ways.

    I Built This Program For Women So They Didn’t Have To Go Through The Journey To Loving Themselves Alone. I Provide The Tools They Need To Strengthen Their Intuition, Build A Body They’re Proud Of, And Nourish Themselves Both Physically And Mentally. Through This Program I Watch Women Tap Into Strength They Never Knew They Had And Transform Into The Badasses They’ve Always Wanted To Be.

    I Hope To See You Inside So We Can Build You To Be Unbreakable.


    Hey, I’m Meagan!

    I want to introduce myself and tell you my own story of how I came to coach women through the beginning of their health and fitness journey. 

    To be honest, when I first started working out it was purely because I wanted to LOOK better. I was scrawny, I felt weak, and I craved a body that made me feel like a sexy badass chick. 

    I know I know, sounds silly, but isn’t that where we all start? Just simply wanting to feel good about the skin we’re in? A couple years of working out and eating right helped me feel good when I looked in the mirror, but after a bad breakup I lost my sense of self-worth. 

    I lost my discipline and drive because I thought that if no one was telling me I was worthy of their love at my lowest point, trying so hard to look good wouldn’t change that. I constantly wanted to be somebody else. I looked at other women, so impressed by their strength and confidence, and craved that for myself. 

    One day I hit a breaking point. I knew I could either level up and put the work in to fall back in love with myself or sink so deep into the shame I would struggle to ever get back to a point where I was truly happy.

    I chose ME. I chose the hard work, the introspection, the daily grind required to regain my strength.

    I found the inner voice that told me I could accomplish everything I wanted to because I was worth my own damn time & effort, and I listened to it.

    Since then I moved to San Diego, am in the healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in, I truly love and respect my body, and I teach women how they too can become UNBREAKABLE.

    Being UNBREAKABLE means that no one else has the power to stop you from achieving your biggest goals. It’s trusting that your choices will always carry you in the right direction and that even the hardest moments in life can’t keep you down for long. It’s having the discipline to show up for yourself every single day even the smallest of ways.

    I built this program for women so they didn’t have to go through the journey to loving themselves alone. I provide the tools they need to strengthen their intuition, build a body they’re proud of, and nourish themselves both physically and mentally. Through this program I watch women tap into strength they never knew they had and transform into the badasses they’ve always wanted to be.

    I hope to see you inside so we can build you to be unbreakable.

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