Hey, I’m Meagan!
I want to introduce myself and tell you my own story of how I came to coach women through the beginning of their health and fitness journey.
To be honest, when I first started working out it was purely because I wanted to LOOK better. I was scrawny, I felt weak, and I craved a body that made me feel like a sexy badass chick.
I know I know, sounds silly, but isn’t that where we all start? Just simply wanting to feel good about the skin we’re in? A couple years of working out and eating right helped me feel good when I looked in the mirror, but after a bad breakup I lost my sense of self-worth.
I lost my discipline and drive because I thought that if no one was telling me I was worthy of their love at my lowest point, trying so hard to look good wouldn’t change that. I constantly wanted to be somebody else. I looked at other women, so impressed by their strength and confidence, and craved that for myself.
One day I hit a breaking point. I knew I could either level up and put the work in to fall back in love with myself or sink so deep into the shame I would struggle to ever get back to a point where I was truly happy.
I chose ME. I chose the hard work, the introspection, the daily grind required to regain my strength.
I found the inner voice that told me I could accomplish everything I wanted to because I was worth my own damn time & effort, and I listened to it.
Since then I moved to San Diego, am in the healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in, I truly love and respect my body, and I teach women how they too can become UNBREAKABLE.
Being UNBREAKABLE means that no one else has the power to stop you from achieving your biggest goals. It’s trusting that your choices will always carry you in the right direction and that even the hardest moments in life can’t keep you down for long. It’s having the discipline to show up for yourself every single day even the smallest of ways.
I built this program for women so they didn’t have to go through the journey to loving themselves alone. I provide the tools they need to strengthen their intuition, build a body they’re proud of, and nourish themselves both physically and mentally. Through this program I watch women tap into strength they never knew they had and transform into the badasses they’ve always wanted to be.
I hope to see you inside so we can build you to be unbreakable.